Digital Transformation in Sales Training: Towards a Self-Learning Organization

Introduction: Welcome to this fascinating collection of articles that delves deeply into the topic of excellence in sales training. In this insightful series, we will not only explore top-notch practices and the latest trends in sales training but also provide concrete advice for the development and implementation of outstanding sales training initiatives. Our shared goal is to make strides in progressing towards the development of a self-learning organization.

The Vision of a Self-Learning Organization

The focus of this article is on the transition from a learning to a self-learning organization. We define a self-learning organization as a company that promotes continuous learning, adaptation, and innovation at all levels. In this context, learning is not confined to formal training but is integrated into the culture and daily routines.

The Challenge of Time and Motivation

The difficulty associated with motivating the participants and finding time for training is clarified by a significant statistic from the year 2019. Approximately 85% of respondents spent up to 60 minutes of their daily work time on non-productive activities. The study shows that distraction was not only due to necessary private matters but also seen as a means to increase productivity. Here lies the potential for the development of self-directed learning processes.

Digital Environment for Self-Learning

Insights from a 2021 survey underscore the vital importance of a digital environment in leveraging the inherent motivation of employees within organizations. At Rightsourcing, we utilize the Metaverse as an e-learning environment, incorporating virtual reality and augmented reality technologies to create immersive and interactive learning experiences.

Leisure and Think Tank – Designing the Learning Environment

Our e-learning environment, the “Leisure and Think Tank,” consists of various spaces, including a “No Stress Bar”, an auditorium with a training center and breakout rooms, an exhibition space, and an area for art, entertainment, and the latest news. This innovative structure allows for free communication, informal learning, and relationship-building in a virtual environment.

Interactive Spaces for Effective Learning

The design of the auditorium, breakout rooms, and exhibition space will be discussed in detail in the next article. In summary, depending on the skills or knowledge that need to be acquired, these spaces are tailored with relevant content to facilitate specific learning. Interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, digital flipcharts, and collaborative tasks are employed in this process.


The transformation towards a self-learning organization requires innovative approaches in sales training. By creating a digital environment that leverages employee motivation and implementing interactive spaces in the metaverse, companies can take a significant step towards continuous learning and self-directed development. The “Leisure and Think Tank” serves as a pioneering example of the successful integration of technology into the training process. Let’s collaboratively shape the future of sales training and employee education!

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1. Welche der folgenden Aussagen beschreibt am besten den Zweck einer Positionierungsaussage?

2. Was sollte bei der Finanzplanung besonders berücksichtigt werden, wenn Schätzungen verwendet werden?

3. Welche der folgenden Aussagen trifft am ehesten auf eine Value Proposition zu?

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FOM Quiz Id 1.3.7

8. Ab welcher Phase im Makrozyklus startet die konvergierende Phase?

1. Was ist das Hauptziel der Design Thinking Methode?

10. Wie wird die Effektivität eines Design Thinking Prozesses hauptsächlich bewertet?

9. Was ist eine der Hauptphasen im Design Thinking Makrozyklus?

4. Was bedeutet der Begriff „Need Finding“ im Kontext des Design Thinking?

2. Welche Phase ist Teil des Makrozyklus im Design Thinking?

7. In wie weit wird das eigene Expertenwissen im Design Thinking Prozess eingebracht?

5. Welche der folgenden Aussagen ist korrekt bezüglich des Mikrozyklus im Design Thinking?

3. Welche Rolle spielt divergierendes Denken im Design Thinking?

6. Muss jeder Makrozyklus in einem Design Thinking Projekt durchlaufen werden?

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